Oranges First.

Our first act of modern agriculture, in 2005, was to plant 50 acres of late-ripening Lane Late Oranges. Today after many years we are hearing with great satisfaction what all of our visitors say: “These are the best oranges I have ever eaten in my life”. 

In 2010 the vineyard project began, as well as the studies of water, soil, climate, varieties

Our initial intention was to produce quality grapes. Producing wine came later.

We planted 25 acres of grapes, we tested, corrected, and changed again, and we will surely continue to do so. Our north is the quality of our grapes. 

The Vines.

We have been told that El Pangue is the winemaker’s paradise because of the great variety of vines, soils, and orientations, all in small blocks.

In 2011 the first 5 vines were planted, Carmenere, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Petit Syrah, and Malbec, from these harvests, in 2013, the first experimental wines were made which today we call them historical. 

In the middle of the Petit Syrah a vine came as a stowaway with an unexpected variety: Cabernet Franc, which performed surprisingly well. In the second stage of planting another 25 acres, we replicated this Cabernet Franc and increased Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon, and incorporated Verdejo and Sauvignon Blanc.

The Surface Area.

The total area of 50 acres of vineyards, has a very varied and characteristic soils of the Coastal Mountain Range, loamy, clayey, sandy, loamy, etc., giving us enormous possibilities to “play” every year.

Our Winemaker.

Paula Cárdenas has been working in viticulture and enology for more than 20 years, with experience in several countries such as France, New Zealand, and South Africa, as well as in several vineyards in central Chile. 

Some years ago, she joined the López Pangue team from Quintay’s vineyard to produce our wines. “The grapes are harvested by the people of Pangue, who are also very committed of making good wine” Paula Cardenas.

Our Viticulturist.

From day one, at the end of 2009 13 years ago, Pedro Izquierdo began directing the project. With all his experience, the first thing he did was to study the climate and topography of the site, performing trial pits tests to understand the type of soils in El Pangue and their viability for wine vines. 

To maintain the purity of the site, in addition to technical irrigation, different types of drippers were chosen depending on the variety and the soil, subways, aerials, doubles, singles, etc.

For Izquierdo, the good wine produced by López Pangue is the product of “the passion of all those involved in the project and the freshness of the semi-coastal climate”.

The Weather.

As you arrive to El Pangue going up the valley suddenly without warning the landscape becomes clearer, more fertile, and green, like arriving to another world.

There is El Pangue a small valley of Maipo, 25 miles from the coast and 2296 ft. above sea level. Between hills and ravines, covered with native forest we are greeted by fresh coastal air which allows this truly unique microclimate.